Tuesday, May 13, 2014

To tweet or not to tweet?

I don't know what I'm doing. There. I've said it.

I'm not doing a good job using social media to attract readers. I'm struggling with Twitter. It's like a foreign language to me with all the hashtags and "@" comments. What does that even mean?  I've even reviewed Twitter 101 advice on YouTube and it still doesn't make any sense. I'm like your 89 year old grandmother who is technologically challenged.

I thought I had hit my stride. I was feeling capable with 29 people following me on Twitter. I marveled at how I attracted so many followers without saying or doing much. Then doubt crept in. I started to wonder how on earth could I have attracted 29 followers when I tweeted only four comments?

Then I reviewed my profile. I realized that I don't really have 29 people following me. It's that I'm following 29 other people on Twitter and that I actually have 4 people following me. That's it. Three of them marketing agencies, stalking me for business.

While I'm on this roll of complaining, I don't know what to tweet about either. I'm not capable of creating pithy, succinct sayings in 140 characters or less. I’m a novelist for heaven's sake, which I tweeted yesterday, feeling proud of myself.

That's the thing. Not being published yet, I feel like an impostor. Dear gentle readers, I need your help! What do you tweet about? How do you come up with short and sweet comments under 140 characters? And most importantly, what do you tweet about?  

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