Friday, March 7, 2014

Ten Things You Don't Know About Me (Or Maybe You Do)

1) Sell everything, I want a horsey. I joke about this with my husband of 16 years ever since I started horseback riding lessons, which is something I've always been curious about but never had the means to do until recently. It's empowering and fun. Since I'm confessing about owning a horse, I'd also like to raise a small flock of sheep for their wool.  Oh, and include some chickens in for good measure too. And if I'm gonna raise sheep, then we need a livestock guardian dog and a llama since they make good livestock guardians too. (And so do donkeys just in case you were wondering.)
2) I've always wrote stories, even as a child. It's like I have a projector playing a movie inside my head. 

3) I crochet blankets for the Linus Project.

4) I embroider, though not lately.

5) I'm learning to quilt. Another one of those things I've been curious about and thought I'd save for later--like when I'm a grandmother.  Both my mother and grandmother quilt, so I thought I should take advantage of their knowledge and learn now while I can still enjoy their company.

6) I drink tea. Never coffee. Ever.

7) I love to play with makeup. Once upon a time, I considered becoming a makeup artist. Instead I graduated from Frostburg State University, earning a Bachelors of Science in English with a minor in writing.

8) Aside from tea, my favorite drink is milk. I know I'm supposed to say something sophisticated like wine, which I enjoy from time to time. But milk is my fave. (Come on, it does a body good.)

9) I hate most green vegetables, especially peas, Brussel sprouts, and asparagus. Lima beans, spinach, and kale. Yuck. I can tolerate broccoli if it's smothered in cheese. Green beans are okay with lots and lots of butter.

10) I adore the song Achy Breaky Heart by Billy Ray Sirus.  (The cheesey original version, not the latest incarnation between Billy Ray and Catch 22.)   

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