Friday, August 8, 2014

Writing Studios

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As many of you know, my writing desk is shoved over in the corner of our parlor. I often dream about a studio and often wonder if I would be more productive if I had a dedicated work space separate from the rest of the living space of our house. 

I know if I had one like this, I would be distracted by the view. I would rest my chin on my hand all day, watching the waves pound against the rocks scanning the horizon for pelicans or seagulls. How could anyone get any writing done overlooking the ocean? 

re-pinned from A Scrapbook of Me blog
If I lived in a farmhouse I would have a writing space in the attic, assuming that the attic wasn't haunted by a ghost. Similar to the picture to the left, although with a different wall covering and a different type of flooring. And crammed with way more books. That window is low enough to allow for great lighting, but not large enough to afford a good view, which can be distracting. 

re-pinned from finderskeepersmarketinc blog
Then again, if I lived on a farm, I would entertain the idea of an outdoor writing space like a cute little cottage like the one Ann Voskamp has. She's pictured here in her studio that her husband built for her. If you don't know who she is, you should visit her here. She's beautiful. Her book One Thousand Gifts altered the course of my life. Seriously.

re-pinned from funkyjunkjennifer blog
Something like this unassuming little cottage would do as well. I could step off the back porch with a mug of tea in one hand and walk a few paces to my office. I like the magazine Where Women Create and Studio magazine for daydreaming inspiration. 

In the meantime, I'll make do with a desk in the corner. 

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