Friday, October 31, 2014

What A Nightmare!

I was in the fifth grade when I watched my first horror movie--Nightmare on Elm Street--at my friend Robin's birthday party. 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Ghosts! Goblins! Oh My!

My grandparents' house was haunted. This was my paternal grandparents, Bill and Marie's house, by the way. 

I know what you're thinking. Isn't everyone's grandparents' house haunted? Probably. You can read about the ghost haunting my grandmother Scott's farmhouse here

It wasn't a ghost, per se that haunted Nannie and PapPap's house. It was more like a green goblin. Or "little green men." And they lived in Uncle Ervin's closet. 

Or so he insisted. So I believed. 

Part of the attic was haunted as well. Let me explain. Part of the attic was finished off into a small room with a low pitched ceiling. The other half, the unfinished portion, was crammed with furniture, clothes, and various stuff. That's the side the ghost haunted.

During the day, I didn't mind hanging out with my very cool aunt Judy up there on her side of the attic, the finished side. At night, however? No thank you.

Happy Halloween!   


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Kill the Princess!

Kill the princess!

Or maybe just make her sleep for a very long time.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Let's Buy A Farm! Who's With Me?

I adore Jenna Woginrich. I follow her blog and read her books and daydream that I'm going to be as cool as she is because she homesteads on a six acre farm in upstate New York, raising sheep for both wool and meat. She has, not one, but two horses, a brood of chickens, a piggy or two, a border collie and a turkey (or two, maybe more) among other animals that I'm probably forgetting to include on my list. 

I just finished reading her latest book Cold Antler Farm, her memoir about growing food and celebrating life on a scrappy six-acre homestead as the cover reads.

On the second to the last page of the memoir, Jenna talks about the motto of the Scottish Mackenzie clan: "I shine, not burn."